Aiming to Reduce Crime & Improve Safety
At Oasis, we offer state-of-the-art training for churches and para church organizations of all sizes and religions. We can customize a training with topics that your church is specifically looking to learn about, or we can use general education training for preliminary introduction to safety and security recommendations.
Our list of offered training can be built to communicate to a small group, such as elders and deacons, or we can create a training that speaks to larger groups such as staff members or volunteers.
Church Safety and Security Training
This training is what we would recommend for a church looking to begin a safety and security team within their facility. It includes information that is useful when setting up a security team, training volunteers in areas of nursery security, fire drills and prevention, and background checks. This information is also useful for safety and security teams who are looking to increase security or update their current strategy.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Protecting children should be a top priority for churches across the country, and Oasis has created a cutting-edge seminar to help. This seminar teaches and trains staff and volunteers on the best way to mitigate the risk of child sexual abuse within their nursery and young adult programs. It will also cover how to perform correct background checks, reporting requirements, and peer-on-peer abuse. We recommend this training for all churches.
Active Shooter Response Training
When it comes to keeping your church safe, being able to recognize and eliminate the threat of an active shooter is extremely important. Oasis has the ability to teach small to medium-sized groups proven techniques that can save lives and specifically offers expertise when it comes to church facilities. We recommend this training for all churches and para church organizations.
Add-On: Upon request, this training can be added to our Church Safety and Security Training.
Safety and Security Assessment
Many times a church won't know where to begin when it comes to setting up a safety team and securing its building. That's where we can help. Oasis will set up a visit to survey your church and recommend areas where increased security could benefit your facility. After the assessment, we recommend that the church have additional training offered to staff and volunteers.
Add-On: Upon request, this training can be added to our Church Safety and Security Training.
Church Safety and Security Training

What You'll Learn
Whether you're looking to start a safety and security effort or to build upon your team and update your current strategy, this program has it all. Included in the training will be discussions on actual church-related violence cases. Topics that will be covered are:
Why is this Important?
This training is important because creating a safe environment for members and guests can help eliminate threats and, in some cases, save lives. Being proactive in your strategies and thought processes will bring peace of mind to your staff, volunteers, and attendees.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

What You'll Learn
Oasis has created a training that specifically speaks to how to prevent child sexual abuse on church grounds as well as how to respond if abuse does happen. Here are some topics that will be covered during the seminar:
Why is this Important?
Out of everything, Oasis teaches, we believe that our child sexual abuse prevention training is one of the most important. Protecting the children who are in our care isn't something we should take lightly. We should be putting efforts and resources forward to make sure abuse doesn't happen within our walls or on our grounds.
Active Shooter Response Training

What You'll Learn
Mass public shootings have been happening more frequently over the last ten years. Being sure your building is safe, and your staff/volunteers are properly trained for an active shooter situation is extremely important and can save lives. Here are some topics that will be covered during this training:
Why is this Important?
Active shooters use a firearm(s) and have no set pattern or method for the selection of their victims. People rise to their level of training when confronted or responding to an incident, so it's very important to be trained for a scenario like this before it happens.
Safety and Security Assessment

What You'll Learn
Oasis Safety spends time with church and organization leadership to assess the current safety and security measures around their building. The assessment expert will conduct both pre-and post-inspection, on-site meetings during this time. Some items that will be covered during your assessment are:
Why is this Important?
Identifying your security risks and safety concerns is the first step in creating a safer and more secure environment. Oasis Safety will recommend effective measures that can be used to reduce crime and improve safety on your property.